Tuesday, February 18, 2014


“The best cure for insomnia is to get a lot of sleep.”
W.C. Fields

Meeting with Ian and Ann from the Ameena Project a few days ago to talk about the final preparations before leaving for Kenya was a blessing.  I can feel the weight of this trip and I'm still days away from leaving.  It feels like something is shifting....

It's 3:30 AM as I write this. I woke an  hour ago thinking it was time for coffee. 

I was pissed it was so early.

Knowing Jimmy Fallon's first night on the Tonight Show was on demand-(U2, not Fallon or Will Smith, was waiting for me) I got up.  New U2 albums are like Christmas for me-and the new song is solid.  

Now I sit and watch the Olympics, flipping through the things I need to get done today and throughout the week before I leave. 

I'll be doing my best to update and post throughout my trip. The objective's are many and I'll go into detail later. I've got 30 hours of travel-big blog coming. 

Here is a save the date-Press release soon.



More than Sport founder,  multiple Ironman Champion, and Professional Triathlete Chris Lieto joins fellow endurance athlete Christian Isakson for a weekend of events in Portland Oregon,  April 2014.

Combining efforts of sport with passion for change, local Portlander Christian Isakson has a unique opportunity to be intimately involved in something simple and unquestionably good—Raising awareness and funds to support the Ameena Project.
Its focus: Bring the powerful combination of regular nourishment, academic instruction, and structured social activity—something most children in the western world enjoy—to children in extreme poverty.  Providing these three basic elements of healthy development is the focus of the Ameena Project.  

Christian and Chris will be discussing the Ameena Project and More Than Sport at three separate events.  The Goal:  Raise $80,000 for the Ameena Project in order to secure a plot of land for a school and future medical clinic, along with $20,000 for More Than Sport to ensure it’s growth, enabling athletes to make change around the world possible.

April 4th-See Chris and Christian on KATU 2/AM Northwest.

April 4th-Chris and Christian Will be at the Athletes Lounge-Recently voted into the top 10 triathlon retailers in the United States. Chris and Christian will discuss sport, training, and Christians Work in Kenya.  A short video will also be shown featuring Christian’s recent trip and work in Kenya.

April 5th- Chris and Christian will be at Farmington Gardens Nursery from 3-5 for a meet and greet, food, and fundraiser for the Ameena Project and More Than Sport.

April 6th-Chris and Christian will talk at West Valley Community Church. 


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