Wednesday, August 22, 2012


"In an ideal world I would have all ten fingers on my left hand so my right could just be a fist for punching..."
-Dwight K. Shrute

Not only is this an awesome statement from one of my favorite episodes of "The Office" called Scott's Tots, It's funny. The episode is riddled with some of the greatest lines in the shows history...ever. With a constant flow of mishaps and mistakes...scenarios leading to trying to make things "ideal" that are not.

Sounds like race week....

Here I sit---in Kentucky, right outside Louisville in an ideal place. No kidding. I've been blessed with a great place to stay-minutes away from the pool, bike shop, and anything else I need.  I feel so, so, blessed. Also-So many to thank for providing comfort and ease-more on that later.

To most, me relaying the "happenings" of race week will be boring. Just another athlete talking about what "he's" doing, eating, seeing,.....blah, blah.  In a nut shell (and to cover it for good)-
1. I'm not over-eating
2. I am trying over-sleeping
3. I am not over-reading.

Over eating-Athletes do this a lot leading into a big race.  I've done it-and, have paid the price. Yes I do use food as a "weapon' this week-build and store, but not cram and gorge. That's after.

Over sleeping-the first few days here I set no alarm.  Still-- this morning, even with the time change-I woke at 5:30.  I really try to "bank and refresh", yes-you can do this. Rest and sleep.  I've also learned that just because I am not "out" does not mean I'm inside resting. I can make myself just as tired inside-bouncing off the walls-doing whatever. Just ask my co-workers. (I think most of them would be shocked to see me sit and do nothing for a whole week leading into a race).  Bottom line SCHEDULE down time-and, take it.  Don't think it will just happen. Plan

Over reading-No blogs, slowtwitch, Endurance corner, whatever. Yes-I am reading, just not certain things.    I trust my training and build,  I don't need to second guess anything-not for a second.  I've fallen victim to this in the past. It's not a willful wandering, or even doubt..but "what if's" can rot the mind during 112 miles. When weakness and fatigue take root (and it will)-things come to mind. Preferably-good things. On the plane I caught myself reading an article on "flats"...uh...I have a plan already for that. Moving on.

Ideal has been the theme for me thus far. Not out of greed or entitlement-but, necessity.  Anyone can do this no matter the situation, just takes thought. But mostly, as I reflect, it takes others. Actually mostly others. Anyone who does this sport knows what I mean.  For me-those "others" are not here.

Rhonda, Evelyn and Ian are back home--Circumstance did not allow for all of us to be here-really sucks. The lack of "myself" here is weird.

Last night when we were all "face-timing" it was hard to say good-by, and it had only been a few hours. This definitely is not ideal for us, and when I question my motives-Rhonda is right there telling me to "Get it done", and "It's OK".  It's the hard part of being an Athlete. I love them so much-and it stings.  That "sting" will be present in my thoughts on race day. Find a "sting", and use the day to relieve it. Cash the check.

Other "team mates" that make this week comfortable and ideal are my sponsors-

Stoked to have RYU on my Chest.

RYU-Even as I write this I wear my warrior gear.  Comfort is a luxury and you make it easy.  Thank you so much for letting me wear RYU to battle, and Sunday I'll again have you on my chest for all to see.  I'm RYU and, I am proud to be a warrior.

This mornings breakfast with my Race wheels smiling at me

Vuelta Wheels-Ron....I'll find that seven minutes for you--- thanks for all the help. I love my wheels.

Greens and protein 

Living Fuel-Again..KC, thank you. One of the greatest things about traveling to races and events is the fact that I can stay full all day and not worry about feeling "heavy".  Flying and airports give little relief both in cost and choices when you are in a hurry and hungry.  Living Fuel is excellent to travel with-plus, it's awesome.

One of my favorite Kits

The Athletes Lounge-I'll share more about the "a" later on...but for now, Thank you. (as I was reading that article on flats yesterday-it made me proud to flip through the pages and land on an awesome ad featuring The AL-- made me so proud to know them and wear their "A" in battle too.

Those quick "Thank you's" may appear like I am just ripping through - but I assure you it's not.  I am SO GRATEFUL for these people. Plus-I support what they have.

 RYU gear is awesome, Vuelta Wheels are fast, Living Fuel is good for you, and the Athletes Lounge is an amazing Triathlon Store. Each of these "mates" know I'm being honest and when it gets uncomfortable on Sunday-it'll be easier to push through when I reflect on the help, love, and support I receive from them. I really want people to see how much they mean to me, and how it's "us" racing together.

Sunday will also allow me to run again for Living Water International.  Throughout this year I've been able to talk and share with so many about the great and vital work LWI is doing around the world. What LWI does is no joke. Really....It's life or death. PLEASE check out this short video-It's two minutes long. When I worry about getting dehydrated from the heat on Sunday...I'll think of people who really thirst,, and tell myself...It's a race.

I won't die.

It is an honor to play a very, very, small role in what Living Water is doing around the world. Thank you for taking an interest in what others need.

More Later this week....

Sunday, August 12, 2012


Wanted to relay a few things here.  Later this week I'll be posting about my race build and other information. For now....enjoy....

I thought to myself....or, felt it being whispered into my heart......"It really does not get better than this here. Here, on earth. In this life, in this world. This feeling, the filling of it-it's what matters. It just feels like what people reach for."

This is so hard to explain-but so definite when it hits.

Today in church, during worship with my son's arm around me singing at the top of his lungs, my wife in my other arm and my daughter next to her, "it" for a brief moment all hit. It was right. I just felt blessed and so fortunate--so warm. Assessing the morning leading up to this "feeling" I listened to my friend preach and discuss being a "Dangerous" follower of Christ-- meaning, living to love others, be merciful, know, things that are dangerous. Stuff people (myself included) don't do in a "me first" culture. As I evaluated the week-listening, it was nauseating making a list in my mind of the times (this week alone) I failed. My mouth, attitude, thoughts, actions, motives, anger, ego, fill in the blank....opportunities to love my kids, be patient, a good employee, friend, follower...get it?   If I am able to sit and pour over the data compiled from a week of training and evaluate performance-why shudder at doing the same in things that matter-right?  I am blessed. Things happen and I relish, or revolt. In training, work, life...whatever.

Totally transparent here, totally honest--This morning with my family clutched together worshiping my King, our Creator, I was shaken to know what I've been lent on this planet---is from nothing I've done. If it was...I'd be screwed.  God-thank you for this. Thank you it's not a religion and you reach for a relationship. Oh God, thank you so much.

Mark Driscoll states religion has gotten him in trouble in the past---me too. It leaves feelings of pride. Checked boxes....good, I'm warmer. Not checked, deflated, I'm colder. Too much red ink on the test... results dictate reactions. All that to say...Church today was awesome. What a gift to have the freedom and ability to experience community together. To reflect on my commitment to walk reflecting Jesus in my life. To show my children that racing, training, Ironman, protein, carb's, watts, means nothing unless it's done as an act of worship. To function how we are wired by him, because of him, and for him. Cool....

Shifting focus-I've been asked by a few of you what I hope to accomplish in Kentucky racing my next Ironman. I hope to do this....

Destroy it. Go faster than I ever have. Hurt. Get a time and placing so unbelievable that the only explanation is Jesus Christ.

Because If I can explain the accomplishment, analyze the "how and the why" it's not me in the first place.

Sunday, August 5, 2012


Just a few quick thoughts....

This past week has been solid. Good training leading into Kentucky and I'm right where I should be-it's a confidence builder and with each passing day confirms I'm ready.

My family have been the best training partners in the world. Evelyn, Ian, and Rhonda...I am so thankful for the blessing to share this life with you. I often feel like the luckiest human on the planet. I love you all so much. Thank you...

Ok---so, the plan....Recovery and rest will be key for me. Getting "fresh" and to the line rejuvenated is vital-and, I will do as well as I did in Texas to ensure this. With all the possibilities that could Go wrong in a race-the things you have total control over must be performed to perfection. Nutrition,rest, planning, and recovery can, and will Be a priority for me. I can't say that enough.

I've written about this in the past as a mistake I've made. It boils down to turning off my ADD, and turing on the TV or opening a book, whatever--just finding comfort in boredom. Especially race week. Actually-These are some of The best memories I have had from past races. (They can also be some of the worst if not done correctly) Just relaxing...Writing, praying, and thanking all those who allow me the privilege to compete really is so important.

Now-I still have work to do-sessions that have to be nailed. But I am growing more comfortable with the idea and process of cashing in on my hard work with rest rather than cashing it out.