Tom Fleming's Boston Marathon Training Motto
I absolutely love this time of the year. Tour De France and Olympic Trials, Olympics coming....(Along with the Dark Knight Rises)....So awesome. The former will help over the course of the next few weeks numbing the pain of hours on the trainer. The latter will be a reward for the former on a recovery day.
Yes-I ride a lot on the trainer...For a few reasons.
It keeps me honest.
I am at home with my family.
It works me.
It's hard.
It's boring.
It is a time saver.
If used it can be and has been an awesome tool.
I've made mistakes in the past on the trainer though. ( been talked to sternly by a previous coach about riding six hours on the trainer-oops....) That's not to gloat-if anything it's to showcase how drive and stupidity can meet in a fender bender. It was cool to watch the "Borne" Trilogy all at once though. Ultimately I do believe long hours have served me well on the trainer. Now I'm careful, and it's something I believe in. Plus-Having Rhonda, Evelyn and Ian in the same room is the best.
Speaking of training--it is finally back on track. I was uncertain for a few weeks post Texas. I rested and then got back to it, but had some sessions where doubt started to put it's hands around my throat. My swimming has been encouraging, running is creeping to where I should be, and recovery (thanks Rhonda for my massages-AMAZING) is solid. Though as I write I am tired. I was moody today and actually took a nap....My moodiness is such a clue that I need rest. It was a big week and after a solid 4k this morning I used the remaining hours of the day to get some cal's in and chill.
Rhonda inevitability reminded her stubborn husband- this has never been nor will it ever be about "me". "Who gives a crap-get water to the thirsty." I run for Living Water International-
To my original point about this time of year. The Athletes in the TdF and the Olympic trials = unreal. I'm continually amazed by the discipline, dedication and passion that bleeds from every pore. It's fuel for the fire. Another awesome observation is all the people getting interviewed giving thanks to God-sweet...
Speaking of Amazing athletes--Congratulations to my friends Jason, Ryan , and Jake!!!! Ironman CDL!!!! You guys Killed it!!! I love these guys and am so happy for them. I've known them all for a short time but through calls, e-mail, skype, and text we've grown to become friends. A cool example of Christ---feeling so close to people you really never see. Jesus removes the film of new relationships. It's like God and his promise to us in a weird way....One second I'm a lost sinner...the next, a beloved son. No "getting used" to each other. "I'm in". That's kind of how I hit it off with these guys. Thanks you guys-for being my friends--way to rock it representing at Ironman.
Porn sucks. You don't.
Next week at this time I'll be in Vegas for UFC 148 and the UFC expo. I'm excited to be representing RYU. I can't tell you how much I love RYU gear. Training, casual, sleeping, just chilling...It really, really is quality stuff. I love it. I love being a part of what they are doing not only in MMA-but sports as a whole. It's an honor and I am so stoked! Thanks RYU-I will do my best for you always. Thank you.

I was able to talk to Rich Roll a bit this week-It's been so cool to pick his brain. Not only is Rich an amazing athlete, he is a smart dude. Finding Ultra, his latest book, is now in the hands of my wife and she agrees thus far--It's awesome. He has been an encouragement to me and it's a blessing to have him as a friend. He works hard and I respect his dedication so much.
Thanks Rick for letting me carpet bomb you with questions. It is appreciated more than you know. wrap up this A.D.D. post....Training is on track. UFC 148 is coming, my family rules, my friends rule, Jesus died for you.
Uh.....what else is there????
I'll be doing many updates from Las Vegas, and will let you know about the training I'll be doing too.
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