Friday, July 6, 2012

It is time.

"Ittttt issssss Tiiimmmeeeee!"  Bruce Buffer will scream this tomorrow during UFC 148. With each utterance his voice will weaken, and by the main event it'll sound like he's been drinking sand. 

I love it.
I say that to myself at times during training when I need to motivate myself...."Ittt isssss Tiiimmmmeeeeee"... off I scanter, swim, or pedal.  Today as I woke in Las Vegas it didn't seem to help, I was tired.  I've been putting in big weeks and along with the excitement of being here, altitude and heat, I felt a bit sluggish.  Plus the stress of being away from my family-even for just a few days-is obvious.  I promised Rhonda I would make the most of the time and get a good run/swim block in.  It's been a heavy bike week thus far and the plan, since I arrived last night and leave Sunday was to focus on running/swimming and give my bike legs a rest.  I stressed about this at first-but, looking at my data and training log-It's a solid plan. My run and swim were decent today-but, again, I felt tired. Especially in the water.  It reminded me of a few years ago when I raced Pumpkin man here-- very tough.
Spending time at the UFC Expo was an experience.  In some ways, It reminded me a bit of being at an Ironman village.  Dudes walking around eyeballing each other dressed in battle gear and focused. Peddlers of protein, supplements, and energy drinks. Seeing firsthand how accessible the UFC fighters are reminded me of how the Pro's in Ironman are too. I was honored to be at the RYU booth meeting with people and letting them know I'm not an MMA fighter... I'm a different kind of fighter, and I am thankful RYU has recognized this.  I am so proud to be with team RYU.

Sam Sheridan in his book "The Fighters Mind-Inside the Mental Game" showed me striking similarities between endurance athletes and MMA fighters.  I love this.  I felt comfortable at the Expo today; in a weird way I understand the desire these amazing athletes have to go the extra mile. Because, usually it's the place you find solitude....rarely are others there.  These guys get that.  I watched Jake Shields, Phil Davis, Ian McCall and Johny Hendricks interact with the fans and people at the expo.  They were gentleman-but, I could see in their eyes.  They know how to work, it was obvious-these athletes are disciplined. I am attracted to that and as I took it all in, I thought about the podcast I listened to a few hours earlier on my run. 

James MacDonald is amazing.  "Walk in the Word" (his podcast) has become a staple in my diet-today he spoke about doubt. "Doubt is the soil that fear grows in". Crap...that is sweet.  I thought of all the doubt in my life, not just in athletics either...Me as a father, a husband, a friend, creeps in. Coming full circle to my initial thought.... To dominate in MMA doubt, distraction, fear, uncertainty...has to be nonexistent.  You can't "Step into the Octagon" and be a gladiator wallowing in fear. Same with Ironman. It is--It certainly is. Once in the water and facing the day-have your head on straight. I gain strength just hanging around people that won't quit. We should be in our element on race day. Other thoughts on my run....were strength and weaknesses. Something these fighters have to know, and know how to get around them, fix them, strengthen them.

“Let me tell you the secret that has led me to my goals: my strength lies solely in my tenacity. Louis Pasteur (1822-1895); Invented Pasteurization

I lack natural talent. I lack speed. I've struggled with my nutrition and pacing. I need to work on my bike leg. These things are obvious to me.  I'm working on them, and many more. Tenacity though...I have it. Maybe too much, to a fault.  This afternoon during my swim I struggled for the first 2.5 k-it so was frustrating.  I wanted to quit-but, I told myself give it another 100, and another, and finally clicked. No-I wasn't breaking any records-but, I kept swimming and gained.  That's what I encourage you to do when it sucks. Slow down and ask yourself-Am I tired, or just tired of training?  Everyone at one time or another feels like bagging it or calling it a day when you have no other reason other than just feeling "blahh".

Push through. Push through.

I want to thank John and Sq1-he has taken such great care of me and I am proud to know him. Gabe you too man-It's a blessing to have you in my life. Thank you both. Thank you so much.


  1. Christian,

    Great article. Your heart, commitment, and understanding of your weaknesses and how to conquer them is amazing.

    I am proud to be a part of your team and can't wait to see where God takes you.

    1. Thank you. Thank you so much. It's hard to to understand weaknesses when they are so apparent. I am thankful for them-it's in our weakness He is strong.

      thanks for reading-
