Thursday, July 12, 2012

It could have been me

Having been back for a few days and letting UFC 148 and the Vegas experience sink in was a smart choice. Think before I post, I'm becoming an adult.  I've run the course of emotions and feelings during my few days in Nevada.  Most were solid, good, and productive. Some, were not.  I'll get to that...

Long story short...I had a great time.  My accommodations were stellar, the UFC expo was solid and meeting RYU and its team was awesome.  It's a weird thing to experience a trip like this going as a "Professional".  I don't say that in the sense of a being a "Pro", but with the intent to act as a "Professional". Actions, language, etiquette, manner... Just being aware that I am an athlete, and around other athletes.


Not to mention surrounded by actual "Professional athletes" that, put food on the table as a result of their profession. All that to say I wanted to make absolutely sure I was not an idiot. RYU means more than a T-shirt to me and I wanted to make that known. I am so grateful for their kindness and focused on representing them with a thankful heart...more on that later also.

*Side note* During a running session in Vegas-I wondered how my actions would differ if instead of a RYU shirt, (or any one of the awesome supporters I have) I wore a "I serve Jesus Christ", or "God is my King" T-shirt? Would that change anything?? My actions, intent, focus?  God forgive me for getting lost in "me". 
I forget (or ignore) that I'm forgiven and loved by you. My hope is you and I never want "where" I am to determine "who" I am. Cool thing here-I had opportunities to share my Love for Christ on this trip and am thankful to have engaged in some good discussion.  

Ok... So, was productive. Other than hanging at the expo and meeting with people....I trained. Put around 43+ miles running, and 10k swimming. Nothing super tough- just smart. Letting the heat and the elevation dictate my HR, I was content just to "stay loose". It was evident I live at no elevation, and... Vegas had it. The last day- (my final big run), I could feel the adjustment and it was encouraging. In preparing to make a change in my training schedule I initially freaked a bit knowing 3 days off my bike was a while-but (as I said in a previous post)- I had a big week leading into this trip and lost nothing. I've done this before w/ swimming -- "Bank" some time/ work. Not cram, or overdo it. It should be a "shift" in the approach not overhaul. It can be done, and with some thought even help address a few limiters. (Swimming endurance is a must for me to maintain)  Plus, the stress to "fit it all in" is sometimes not worth the hassle and pressure. Rhonda helps me with this constantly. 

**arrived late Thursday.
Friday 11 mile run/4.5k swim.
Saturday 6 mile run, 5.1 k swim, 6 mile run.
Sunday 19 mile run.
Fly home Sunday afternoon.
Recovery Monday.

I had to get creative to make it work-- Mapping out where the pools are and fitting them inside workouts kept  things interesting. (Quick story)--On the second day I did end up in a tougher part of Las Vegas. It made me sad-- running by men and women sleeping, eating, baking in the hot sun on the sidewalk. I made sure to say hello to any, and everyone. We who are fortunate are so blessed. I was reminded of the song by "the Call"--

Well, it could have been me Living in that house With all those rooms With all that power
And powerful friends Flattering friends It could have been me Oh, it could have been me
Well, it could have been me Living on that street Out in the cold With nothing to eat
Dream of a home Dream of a bride A life alone, locked outside God, it could have been me

The porn everywhere was haunting. This too made my heart hurt and sad.
It made me think about how X3 church is such a great ministry. Keep it up you guys. Don't ever stop. I still am fortunate to know the minds behind such a needed ministry. 

Running through Freemont, and the older casinos I could feel the rush of AC running past each. I wondered how the people leaving fared the hours before battling "lady luck"???  "Must suck to have this heat hit you after a losing night" I thought.. By the looks and stale smell of spirits- most were defeated. That too made my heart sad. It was difficult for me to enjoy the pain and comfort of my run because of the obvious, pain and discomfort on a the faces leaving. "Did they loose rent money? Food? Bills? Child support? Eh... Who cares right?? What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas".... Twisted.  Running in the heat makes you think.  With levels of discomfort depending on the day, my mind wanders...I can solve the world’s problems, or think my own are bigger.  Ultimately it clears my thoughts and allows me to feel clean-so, it was obvious to notice the grime. (deep thought for the day)

Ultimately the reason for this trip was to meet with RYU and talk--Go to the expo and be a part of the team. I did that and could not have been more blessed.  Shaking hands and telling people who I was and what I do was a bit awkward at first-but, I was received warmly by all and it was an honor. Plus-it was easy to say "I am a RYU athlete".  Oliver-you made me feel comfortable, *** you walking between that MMA fighter and fan photo was very funny.  You handled it with grace, I think...I turned the other way and pretended not to know you. Honestly-- I'm grateful for your kindness and willingness to hear me babble.  Rocky-you too man. I know I talk a mile a minute. Both of you had a ton going on and I was stoked to just sit and chat--I've said this a million times, and it never gets old...I am proud to be with RYU. 

Next blog.....Kentucky is smiling......

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