Sunday, June 17, 2012

Pressure is a word that is misused in our vocabulary. When you start thinking of pressure, it's because you've started to think of failure.

I remember as a kid how much I loved to play the game battleship. It was fun to imagine you could actually be good at something that was based-for the most part-on luck.  Listening to my opponent launch his numbers out was nerve racking and exciting to me. I thought of this when I was informed that I would not be selected to move on to the semi-final round of the Kona Inspired athlete selection process. As it stands-I have one hole in the ship still open, and it's my turn.

Evaluating my situation from the begenning of the season til now-I gave myself a few opportunities to get to the World Championships in October. reasoning behind applying for the Kona Inspired Athlete was not solely based on "Getting To Kona", I definitely want to, and know I can qualify.  I did think it was another chance ( had I been given the privilege I would have not thought it less just because I did not, for lack of better words--earn it or "qualify"...) to spread the Living water International mission.

Note**  Even mentioning the word "earn" does not make sense because those selected have earned it.
I couldn't believe some of the stories of the applicants. Simply awesome.

As  mentioned--I really thought it more of an opportunity to spread the word and continue to bring attention to Living Water International-and, I'll continue to do so no matter what.  I'm thankful for all the votes/views I received and was happy to just be part of the initial process.  Good luck to those still in the running.

It's almost 4 weeks to the day since Ironman Texas.  This break in blog entry's and twitter updates was not me being lazy-It was planned. I stepped away and focused on a few things for a month (something I promised myself I would do) to evaluate not only my nutrition, rest patterns, and training, but plan my approach into Kentucky. This is new for me. I am coming off a PB knowing I have the ability to cut even more time, go faster, qualify for Kona and possibly-- even podium.  I know it's been "hazy" in previous blog entries on exactly where I want to finish or where I "think" I will. I'll clear that up...I want to qualify for Kona and I want to Podium. I have great sponsors supporting me, amazing people pulling for me, a wonderful family helping me, a solid cause to strive for, a loving God blessing me...for those reasons (and more)....I owe.  Yes...this is going to be fun.

Having said all that-I desperately believe in what Living Water is doing.

I am privileged to run for an amazing vision and organization really focusing on changing lives.

Later this week I'll share some sponsorship news, upcoming plans, training approach into Kentucky and answer a few questions I've received over the past few weeks.

Thanks for checking in with this quick update....

1 comment:

  1. Christian,

    Always get a bosst popping by and reading your stuff. Kentucky is going to go amazing for you. Your motivations are in the right place and this is not a self-serving pursuit you're on, but something much more purposeful. Forget. Reach. Press. Finish.
