Tuesday, July 31, 2012

9 +

Matthew 8:34

Then the whole town went out to meet Jesus. And when they saw him, they pleaded with him to leave their region.

Translation-"We give a crap about you Jesus-you freaking weirdo.  We could care less about your love for others and the fact that in you is truth. Just go."

I've long loved this parable in Matthew.  The context--Christ saves a few guys, delivers them, and shows He is the son of God....still, despite the whole thing taking place right in front of them--people still ignored him. I don't get it...right?

For me It's always been easier to use this example of what  "others" do...or don't do. "How can so many refuse Christ when many examples in this life indicate God is our only hope?"  I ask myself....totally ignoring the lessons this history means to me--Everyday. 

What makes me think it's OK to see the blessings I have and ignore who gave them and why?  Answer-Jesus has, and because He loves me. Embracing this hope is the root system to my life. It has to be, it just has to be. Thinking about this in the pool during my morning swim, I started to recall  events in my life that He has done and I responded-- "Just Go....Not now....Come back when I need you, really...I'm fine".  When I want God to show up in a cape, fix my problem, and hit the bricks...cool. Other than that, I got this.  

Well...I don't. We don't. You don't.  

I feel I've been "getting worked on".  Sometimes for me training for Ironman-- the physical preparation is secondary.  "Chopping wood, carrying water" is the obvious. The inside stuff-between the ears, and rib cage, is where the wrenches are turning and the wires are connecting. 

This is an excerpt from an interview with Ryan Hall.  Ryan is outspoken about his faith and desire to seek God, I admire this-

***It was easy for me to feel God's presence when it meant him taking me to new levels of physical performance but it took me years to learn to feel God's presence in my running even when I was struggling or just having an ordinary day. I don't believe God comes and goes as I once felt he did. I believe that as the Bible says, God is with those who are with him (Matt: 28:20, Deut 31:6, Isaiah 41:10), and this is my message. In a world where it is all about the guy on the top step of the podium and we are defined and define ourselves by the time on our watch, at the end of the day I am trying to spread the word that it ultimately isn't all about that. The sweetest part of life is that we can all have God. God is with those who are with him. It’s our choice and a free invitation to everyone.

Here is a Link to that article-It is a good read. http://runningtimes.com/Article.aspx?ArticleID=19104

Please...Pray for me. Pray that I trust in Him. Pray I focus on what I've been built to do and  strive to glorify God with the blessing of this greatest sport in my life.  Thank you Lord that in you there is freedom. Don't let me screw it up by thinking I did this-if that's the case....I won't even step on the line.  

My hope is you, show me your ways, guide me in truth, in all my days.  

OK....training...Things are on track--Very solid.  I've had the blessing  to be working with  a friend these past few weeks getting dialed for Kentucky.  I will share more about this later...but for the time being-(you know who you are),  I am so, so  grateful for your direction, guidance, and willingness to help.  Working with you has done wonders for me.  Thank you.

Oh!!! A few of you noticed last week I was "tweeting" about Rhonda running her first 5k.  This was so awesome!!!--Working with her and encouraging Rhonda to stick with it has taught me a few things about how difficult it is for her to keep supporting me when I loose my focus, or let doubt creep in.  (This is the work I spoke of earlier that I need to keep building "inside". It can easily get derailed if not careful. No foothold must be given.)
And Rhonda-You did it babe. You rule. I am so proud.

To wrap up here I want to mention how I am directing my focus for Kentucky....Specifically speaking about what to think when  constructing the mental game for an event.  It goes back to the guidance I am getting from my friend, and amazing athlete.

"9+ hours...That's it. Focus on that"

So simple..it's a puzzle.

I want to say a quick thank you to all the people backing me for this upcoming race.  Ron-you and Vuelta Wheels have been instrumental in assisting me to get to Kentucky.  I am forever grateful and can't thank you enough.  The wheels are amazing-I mean that. But you are incredible. Thank You.

Living Fuel-I look forward to my recovery shakes.  KC you have been so generous.

RYU of course-I love being on your team.  I desire to show others what you represent in sport. Dedication, Discipline, and Desire.  Plus-Your gear is the best.

The Athletes Lounge...I'll be coming to see you in the next few weeks. Stocking up on essentials, bike check up and whatever else I need.  I will never take for granted the fact in my backyard is the greatest Tri-Shop in the country.

I want to remind you that this race is still a tool for me to use to show the Life Changing Work Living Water International is doing. Water...it all begins with water.....

It's been cool brainstorming with Chris and MTS.  Next year is going to bring some big things and I am hopeful and excited to share them with you as soon as details are in place.

As always...Thank you.  I meant what I said. Please...pray for me.  And, let me know if you need prayer.  



Thursday, July 12, 2012

It could have been me

Having been back for a few days and letting UFC 148 and the Vegas experience sink in was a smart choice. Think before I post thoughts...wow, I'm becoming an adult.  I've run the course of emotions and feelings during my few days in Nevada.  Most were solid, good, and productive. Some, were not.  I'll get to that...

Long story short...I had a great time.  My accommodations were stellar, the UFC expo was solid and meeting RYU and its team was awesome.  It's a weird thing to experience a trip like this going as a "Professional".  I don't say that in the sense of a being a "Pro", but with the intent to act as a "Professional". Actions, language, etiquette, manner... Just being aware that I am an athlete, and around other athletes.


Not to mention surrounded by actual "Professional athletes" that, put food on the table as a result of their profession. All that to say I wanted to make absolutely sure I was not an idiot. RYU means more than a T-shirt to me and I wanted to make that known. I am so grateful for their kindness and focused on representing them with a thankful heart...more on that later also.

*Side note* During a running session in Vegas-I wondered how my actions would differ if instead of a RYU shirt, (or any one of the awesome supporters I have) I wore a "I serve Jesus Christ", or "God is my King" T-shirt? Would that change anything?? My actions, intent, focus?  God forgive me for getting lost in "me". 
I forget (or ignore) that I'm forgiven and loved by you. My hope is you and I never want "where" I am to determine "who" I am. Cool thing here-I had opportunities to share my Love for Christ on this trip and am thankful to have engaged in some good discussion.  

Ok... So, training.....it was productive. Other than hanging at the expo and meeting with people....I trained. Put around 43+ miles running, and 10k swimming. Nothing super tough- just smart. Letting the heat and the elevation dictate my HR, I was content just to "stay loose". It was evident I live at no elevation, and... Vegas had it. The last day- (my final big run), I could feel the adjustment and it was encouraging. In preparing to make a change in my training schedule I initially freaked a bit knowing 3 days off my bike was a while-but (as I said in a previous post)- I had a big week leading into this trip and lost nothing. I've done this before w/ swimming -- "Bank" some time/ work. Not cram, or overdo it. It should be a "shift" in the approach not overhaul. It can be done, and with some thought even help address a few limiters. (Swimming endurance is a must for me to maintain)  Plus, the stress to "fit it all in" is sometimes not worth the hassle and pressure. Rhonda helps me with this constantly. 

**arrived late Thursday.
Friday 11 mile run/4.5k swim.
Saturday 6 mile run, 5.1 k swim, 6 mile run.
Sunday 19 mile run.
Fly home Sunday afternoon.
Recovery Monday.

I had to get creative to make it work-- Mapping out where the pools are and fitting them inside workouts kept  things interesting. (Quick story)--On the second day I did end up in a tougher part of Las Vegas. It made me sad-- running by men and women sleeping, eating, baking in the hot sun on the sidewalk. I made sure to say hello to any, and everyone. We who are fortunate are so blessed. I was reminded of the song by "the Call"--

Well, it could have been me Living in that house With all those rooms With all that power
And powerful friends Flattering friends It could have been me Oh, it could have been me
Well, it could have been me Living on that street Out in the cold With nothing to eat
Dream of a home Dream of a bride A life alone, locked outside God, it could have been me

The porn everywhere was haunting. This too made my heart hurt and sad.
It made me think about how X3 church is such a great ministry. Keep it up you guys. Don't ever stop. I still am fortunate to know the minds behind such a needed ministry. 

Running through Freemont, and the older casinos I could feel the rush of AC running past each. I wondered how the people leaving fared the hours before battling "lady luck"???  "Must suck to have this heat hit you after a losing night" I thought.. By the looks and stale smell of spirits- most were defeated. That too made my heart sad. It was difficult for me to enjoy the pain and comfort of my run because of the obvious, pain and discomfort on a the faces leaving. "Did they loose rent money? Food? Bills? Child support? Eh... Who cares right?? What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas".... Twisted.  Running in the heat makes you think.  With levels of discomfort depending on the day, my mind wanders...I can solve the world’s problems, or think my own are bigger.  Ultimately it clears my thoughts and allows me to feel clean-so, it was obvious to notice the grime. (deep thought for the day)

Ultimately the reason for this trip was to meet with RYU and talk--Go to the expo and be a part of the team. I did that and could not have been more blessed.  Shaking hands and telling people who I was and what I do was a bit awkward at first-but, I was received warmly by all and it was an honor. Plus-it was easy to say "I am a RYU athlete".  Oliver-you made me feel comfortable, *** you walking between that MMA fighter and fan photo was very funny.  You handled it with grace, I think...I turned the other way and pretended not to know you. Honestly-- I'm grateful for your kindness and willingness to hear me babble.  Rocky-you too man. I know I talk a mile a minute. Both of you had a ton going on and I was stoked to just sit and chat--I've said this a million times, and it never gets old...I am proud to be with RYU. 

Next blog.....Kentucky is smiling......

Friday, July 6, 2012

It is time.

"Ittttt issssss Tiiimmmeeeee!"  Bruce Buffer will scream this tomorrow during UFC 148. With each utterance his voice will weaken, and by the main event it'll sound like he's been drinking sand. 

I love it.
I say that to myself at times during training when I need to motivate myself...."Ittt isssss Tiiimmmmeeeeee"... off I scanter, swim, or pedal.  Today as I woke in Las Vegas it didn't seem to help, I was tired.  I've been putting in big weeks and along with the excitement of being here, altitude and heat, I felt a bit sluggish.  Plus the stress of being away from my family-even for just a few days-is obvious.  I promised Rhonda I would make the most of the time and get a good run/swim block in.  It's been a heavy bike week thus far and the plan, since I arrived last night and leave Sunday was to focus on running/swimming and give my bike legs a rest.  I stressed about this at first-but, looking at my data and training log-It's a solid plan. My run and swim were decent today-but, again, I felt tired. Especially in the water.  It reminded me of a few years ago when I raced Pumpkin man here-- very tough.
Spending time at the UFC Expo was an experience.  In some ways, It reminded me a bit of being at an Ironman village.  Dudes walking around eyeballing each other dressed in battle gear and focused. Peddlers of protein, supplements, and energy drinks. Seeing firsthand how accessible the UFC fighters are reminded me of how the Pro's in Ironman are too. I was honored to be at the RYU booth meeting with people and letting them know I'm not an MMA fighter... I'm a different kind of fighter, and I am thankful RYU has recognized this.  I am so proud to be with team RYU.

Sam Sheridan in his book "The Fighters Mind-Inside the Mental Game" showed me striking similarities between endurance athletes and MMA fighters.  I love this.  I felt comfortable at the Expo today; in a weird way I understand the desire these amazing athletes have to go the extra mile. Because, usually it's the place you find solitude....rarely are others there.  These guys get that.  I watched Jake Shields, Phil Davis, Ian McCall and Johny Hendricks interact with the fans and people at the expo.  They were gentleman-but, I could see in their eyes.  They know how to work, it was obvious-these athletes are disciplined. I am attracted to that and as I took it all in, I thought about the podcast I listened to a few hours earlier on my run. 

James MacDonald is amazing.  "Walk in the Word" (his podcast) has become a staple in my diet-today he spoke about doubt. "Doubt is the soil that fear grows in". Crap...that is sweet.  I thought of all the doubt in my life, not just in athletics either...Me as a father, a husband, a friend, whatever...it creeps in. Coming full circle to my initial thought.... To dominate in MMA doubt, distraction, fear, uncertainty...has to be nonexistent.  You can't "Step into the Octagon" and be a gladiator wallowing in fear. Same with Ironman. It is--It certainly is. Once in the water and facing the day-have your head on straight. I gain strength just hanging around people that won't quit. We should be in our element on race day. Other thoughts on my run....were strength and weaknesses. Something these fighters have to know, and know how to get around them, fix them, strengthen them.

“Let me tell you the secret that has led me to my goals: my strength lies solely in my tenacity. Louis Pasteur (1822-1895); Invented Pasteurization

I lack natural talent. I lack speed. I've struggled with my nutrition and pacing. I need to work on my bike leg. These things are obvious to me.  I'm working on them, and many more. Tenacity though...I have it. Maybe too much, to a fault.  This afternoon during my swim I struggled for the first 2.5 k-it so was frustrating.  I wanted to quit-but, I told myself give it another 100, and another, and another..it finally clicked. No-I wasn't breaking any records-but, I kept swimming and gained.  That's what I encourage you to do when it sucks. Slow down and ask yourself-Am I tired, or just tired of training?  Everyone at one time or another feels like bagging it or calling it a day when you have no other reason other than just feeling "blahh".

Push through. Push through.

I want to thank John and Sq1-he has taken such great care of me and I am proud to know him. Gabe you too man-It's a blessing to have you in my life. Thank you both. Thank you so much.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

The trainer

"Somewhere in the world someone is training when you are not. When you race him, he will win."
Tom Fleming's Boston Marathon Training Motto

I absolutely love this time of the year.  Tour De France and Olympic Trials, Olympics coming....(Along with the Dark Knight Rises)....So awesome.  The former will help over the course of the next few weeks numbing the pain of hours on the trainer. The latter will be a reward for the former on a recovery day.

Yes-I ride a lot on the trainer...For a few reasons.

It keeps me honest.
I am at home with my family.
It works me.
It's hard.
It's boring.
It is a time saver.
If used it can be and has been an awesome tool.

I've made mistakes in the past on the trainer though.  ( been talked to sternly by a previous coach about riding six hours on the trainer-oops....) That's not to gloat-if anything it's to showcase how drive and stupidity can meet in a fender bender. It was cool to watch the "Borne" Trilogy all at once though. Ultimately I do believe long hours have served me well on the trainer. Now I'm careful, and it's something I believe in. Plus-Having Rhonda, Evelyn and Ian in the same room is the best.

Speaking of training--it  is finally back on track. I was uncertain for a few weeks post Texas. I rested and then got back to it, but had some sessions where doubt started to put it's hands around my throat. My swimming has been encouraging, running is creeping to where I should be, and recovery (thanks Rhonda for my massages-AMAZING) is solid. Though as I write I am tired.  I was moody today and actually took a nap....My moodiness is such a clue that I need rest. It was a big week and after a solid 4k this morning I used the remaining hours of the day to get some cal's in and chill.

 Rhonda inevitability reminded her stubborn husband- this has never been nor will it ever be about "me". "Who gives a crap-get water to the thirsty." I run for Living Water International-

To my original point about this time of year. The Athletes in the TdF and the Olympic trials = unreal.  I'm continually amazed by the discipline, dedication and passion that bleeds from every pore.  It's fuel for the fire. Another awesome observation is all the people getting interviewed giving thanks to God-sweet...

Speaking of Amazing athletes--Congratulations to my friends Jason, Ryan , and Jake!!!! Ironman CDL!!!! You guys Killed it!!!  I love these guys and am so happy for them.  I've known them all for a short time but through calls, e-mail, skype, and text we've grown to become friends.  A cool example of Christ---feeling so close to people you really never see.  Jesus removes the film of new relationships.  It's like God and his promise to us in a weird way....One second I'm a lost sinner...the next, a beloved son. No "getting used" to each other. "I'm in". That's kind of how I hit it off with these guys. Thanks you guys-for being my friends--way to rock it representing XXXChurch.com. at Ironman.
Porn sucks. You don't.

Next week at this time I'll be in Vegas for UFC 148 and the UFC expo.  I'm excited to be representing RYU.  I can't tell you how much I love RYU gear.  Training, casual, sleeping, just chilling...It really, really is quality stuff.  I love it. I love being a part of what they are doing not only in MMA-but sports as a whole.  It's an honor and I am so stoked!  Thanks RYU-I will do my best for you always. Thank you.


I was able to talk to Rich Roll a bit this week-It's been so cool to pick his brain.  Not only is Rich an amazing athlete, he is a smart dude. Finding Ultra, his latest book, is now in the hands of my wife and she agrees thus far--It's awesome. He has been an encouragement to me and it's a blessing to have him as a friend.  He works hard and I respect his dedication so much.

Thanks Rick for letting me carpet bomb you with questions. It is appreciated more than you know.

Ok...to wrap up this A.D.D. post....Training is on track. UFC 148 is coming, my family rules, my friends rule, Jesus died for you.

Uh.....what else is there????

I'll be doing many updates from Las Vegas, and will let you know about the training I'll be doing too.