Saturday, March 31, 2012

In his book The Screwtape Letters, C.S. Lewis gives the dialogue between senior devil, Screwtape, and the junior devil he is teaching, Wormwood. The instruction given to Wormwood on how to deal with man’s disappointment and discouragement is eyeopening.
"Work hard, then, on the disappointment or anti-climax which is certainly coming to the patient during his first few weeks as a churchman. The Enemy [God] allows this disappointment to occur on the threshold of every human endeavor. . . . It occurs when lovers have got married and begin the real task of learning to live together. In every department of life it marks the transition from dreaming aspiration to laborious doing. The Enemy takes this risk because He has a curious fantasy of making all these disgusting little human vermin into what He calls His “free” lovers and servants—“sons” is the word He uses. . . . Desiring their freedom, He therefore refuses to carry them, by their mere affections and habits, to any of the goals which He sets before them: He leaves them to “do it on their own.” And there lies our opportunity. But also, remember, there lies our danger. If once they get through this initial dryness successfully, they become much less dependent on emotion and therefore much harder to tempt".....

Used to love turning binoculars around when I was a kid and looking at stuff…made things seem so small, so far away.  I've used this thought at times in life when I have “things” going on…Problems (or what I think are problems)-difficulties, whatever.
This week I turned the binoculars around and used them proper.  I magnified everything, and it sucked. 
I’ve gotten e-mails from readers saying they like the things I have been posting-I am grateful, it’s been cooler than I had imagined to “blog” and, I love bragging about the people who enable me to do this.  Unfortunately…when I crumble, those people are the ones who get annoyed.  Those crumbs are the annoying boulders in the bed your kid was eating potato chips in.  It’s amazing how last week at this exact moment-I felt like I conquered the world putting in a super solid volume week-and here I sit a little sappy-just seven days later.
 I think the best way to help you-is list what I did and give some notes on how to avoid the same pitfalls.
Before I go on….The major theme here for me ultimately is my relationship with Jesus Christ.
 I find it funny how when I veer off and sack my time in the morning with a few moments in the Word and prayer, I start off sideways. As in training…When you get up to head to the pool-don’t head to the computer.  This leads to twitter, which leads to slowtwitch, which leads to…. ___________ I find the same sometimes happen when I plan on waking early and taking time to give thanks for drawing another breath.  This is my new plan-It’s actually the same plan, just a new week….
1.       Get up
2.       Drink 20 oz. of water
3.       Pour coffee
4.       Read and pray.
5.       Sit and shut up.
 It would go against the tenants of my relationship with God to lie and pretend I don’t struggle. (I do- More so than I’ll ever lead on…that’s why I love U2. I think Bono relishes as much in the bleeding as he does the healing.)  Maybe a better word would be discipline.  Discipline is hard.  Discipline means sometimes going to bed hungry, or waking early and leaving your family on a Saturday to go to the pool.  On days like this *** get up super early--get back before anyone is up. Have breakfast and a French Press ready.
-problem solved.
Discipline smells what it can’t eat and revels in the strength of not eating it.
Take home points-post big week….
1.   Not preparing the fridge (Like I planned) for the recoil of a heavy week.  Have GOOD food at hand.  Not your kids lunch snacks
2.   Do not…repeat-DO NOT use a recovery week as an excuse to stay up late throughout the week.  Just because the schedule is a little less structured should not give an excuse to skip the chance to sleep.
3.   Monitor your mood with the decline in training volume.  Of all the errors this week-this was my biggest one.  I was moody, and irritable.  This should have been counteracted with proper handling of 1-3 listed above, and just relaxing.
4.   Don’t be short with the ones you would die for.  Ian and Evelyn told me a few times to “Chill  man”, and Rhonda thought I should go get some pamprin.
5.   Fight the urge to do projects around the house.
6.   Don’t get discouraged.  Screwtape used this-it works.  I thought of my nightmare in Canada a few times. Again-remember--- DO. NOT. GET. DISCOURAGED.
7.   Don’t think you can do it alone.
8.   Let your body absorb what you have done.  This doesn’t even have to be after a big week.  This happens to me more and more-- means you are gaining fitness.
9.   Stay off the scale. (Yes in Build 2 and the build leading into a priority race, weight should start to be taken more into consideration.  Just be careful.)If you are eating correctly you are OK.
10. Pray.
11. Be grateful and thankful.  Contentment is a great excuse to watch a movie-not peer over the fence and see how green your neighbors grass is.
Having said all that I did wake up most times I found myself slipping this week.  This morning I had a solid result as I did a 2k test/race pace swim.  Tomorrow I have a race pace run simulation, so-the week is not over. It just stinks when you get in a slump man. Keep up the work you are doing-you know who you are.  Stay in the zone you should be in, sleep when you should, eat what you should, drink water, kiss them, run strong, practice form, dial in pace, pay attention…..
I better send this before I re-read it and hit delete.
That would have been number 12 on my list.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Thank you to all who have viewed and voted for me in my hopes of becoming one of the eight chosen Kona Inspired athletes.  I am excited at the possibility of racing at the Iron man World Championships.  Not only has it been a dream, but the bigger, and more focused reason, is to help shed light on the work that Living Water International is doing around the world.  I'm so amazed that I can be a part of it. If you need to learn more click on the link's below-

Living Water International-

Here is the Link to my short video if you would like to share or vote.

I'm sure you can tell by my "tweets" and postings that I am excited about my new opportunity to work with RYU. This is a HUGE honor for me and as this relationship grows, I'll pass on to you what direction we are going. RYU knows what they are doing.  My intent is to be a functioning piece in this machine working hard to reflect who and what they stand for. The main topic for this post I want to relay--I have some really cool people supporting me, and I want to say thank you.  Yes, yes the products are awesome. But the people behind the concepts are what stand out for me.
Wearing my new RYU top during my runs has become  the norm.

Vuelta Wheels-I can say without a doubt Ron and his team have been nothing but amazing.  I received my wheels last week and if you are looking for solid tools to be on while you race or train-please, do yourself a favor and check them out.  During the Epic 5 last year the 50's were FLAWLESS.

Race wheels for this season.

Living Fuel-K.C. Craichy-I love you. I don't know what else to say-Living Fuel rules. 

AthletesLounge-Chris, Gary, and yes...even Scott, who I know I drive absolutely nuts with questions-Have been patient and kind to me.  Chris and Gary not only encourage me to continue to push-I know they are honest.  I need people in my life that will be honest with me no matter what.  The older I get the more I long for truth over comfort. This is them-This is the Athletes Lounge. Plus they have a KILLER store. I love you guys. "cookie cutter" as that may appear, I assure you it is not. I know in my heart those people know I am sincere in my gratitude-that makes it easy to talk about them.

Talking about me on the other hand is awkward.  No, I don't say that with a false sense of humility either.  I am grateful for the gift's I have been blessed with-Attitude, Drive,    Fuel...whatever...I know what I have as an athlete.  I also know what I lack.  I've had a few inquiries as to "What" I am actually doing for training right now.  I'm hesitant to talk about this-again, not because of some big secret. At the same time, I have blogs I lean on and love reading--- what athletes are doing, gear they have, nutritional approaches.  Plus-I really don't want to turn this into an online diary of thoughts and quotes with no substance.
 So-I want to share a few highlights from my big volume week and if it sparks a few questions---fire away.  Again-this is no recipe.  Its training. It's the same thing...over, and over, and over, and over...I like what Bruce Lee said--

I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times....

I carved out 7 days for a "V-Block"/volume block.  I recently listened to a great podcast interview with one of my favorite athletes Gordo who talks about camps and training.  This would be a much better resource for you to use if you are seriously considering doing your own block.  Anyway-I had open time and wanted to get some volume on the body.   I'm not at the most opportune time for this in relation to my first race/Iron man this season-but, I had the time and thought Volume over Intensity right now would benefit me. Have a "rest and test" week and then build/peak into IM Texas. I'll be set... 

 here are a few highlights-

*22,000 meters of swimming.  Mostly focusing on form and economy. Did some race pace stuff, but overall wanted to see how I respond to big swims in the AM followed by afternoon sessions that were a little taxing. Did a 6k, few 5k's and mixed it up w/ the rest.  Played it smart and consistent. It's important to take note of the "retrograde" fatigue associated w/ swimming.  Pay attention on the days you do big swims--- when do you "feel it".  Is it right away? A few hours into the day?  I find the fitter I get-- the later in the day I feel the results of the swim sessions.  This effort related response could help you understand things hours into a race and adjust accordingly. 

*13+ Hrs. of biking.  Not a lot in the grand scheme-but had a good amount of indoor focused trainer rides.  Weather was not cooperating.  I was able to get a 5+ outdoor ride in too.

*8 Hrs. of running. Started and ended the 7 days w/ a 2+ hr. run. Most runs were slow and easy-only one I applied real effort was the last workout of the week. 17 mile race pace run. Felt solid and encouraging, had good results and data.

Total hours=27+

Those are some of the details of my volume week.  Key points--
*85% done Z1/2. I was concerned about going "backwards" at first.  But some respond to Volume, some Intensity.  Both are needed at the right times throughout a year-but, this week along with my Death Valley Camp was a good mix of both.

*Keep in mind the “stress" build of life.  We talked about this as a family before I started.  I had a block off work-My family had school=minimal impact was made.  By the time Rhonda and the kids walked through the door-Dinner was waiting for them, I was done with my day. WE all made a few sacrifices--but, I had support and encouragement. Plus-I made sure it was worth it for them.  If this is a plan you decide to implement-even if it’s a 3, or 4 day "V-Block" stick to it. Get UP early.

If you are interested in setting up a session or two like this.  Get in touch with me-we can talk/skype...whatever and figure it out.

Most people can handle an increase in what they are currently doing if base is set and recovery is followed.

I could lament on and on here..but you get the idea.  Be smart...and check out that podcast I listed above.

I hope that answered a few questions.  I had one other dealing with the equipment I’m using.  I’ll get to that –I promise. 

I'll end with my recovery day...

My son Ian and I at our first NBA game.  He said it was the best day of his life.  Not the game...having nine hours of me all to himself.

 Rhonda, Evelyn, and are my greatest sponsors.  Without you...I am nothing.  I thank Jesus for you every second of my  life.  

Sunday, March 25, 2012


This past week was great as far as training goes. 27 Hours of solid volume-with focus on form and maximizing time. I'm still around 8 weeks out from IM Texas so I was careful not to go crazy. I had moments of focused intensity but the centralized theme was hours on the body. Big swim volume, big bike volume. I finished last night with a 17 mile/race pace run-- it was encouraging. As a matter of fact-the whole week was a boost.

As many of you know I signed with RYU and this too has been awesome. Getting acquainted with new gear has never been easier, not to mention how freaking comfortable it is. I am so humbled to be included with great athletes-I won't waste a second... I feel obligated and excited to honor them
As part of my family. I know how hard they work-I will do the same.

I will be answering a few questions and talking about some of my gear this week too. I have some cool news about Vuelta-my wheel sponsor, and want to share about the Athletes Lounge and Living Fuel. I'm blessed all around with people and sponsors who I believe in.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Tired.. But blessed

Last day of a very big week. Excited to have volume absorb next and prepare for final push into Texas. I'll be posting tonight about some of the work I've done over the past few days-and answering a few questions I've received this week about specific workouts and equipment I am using. I'll also spend a bit more time talking about my new sponsor and discussing how thankful I am for all the people helping me. Off to pool....

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.  Ecclesiastes 4:12

I write today happy, nervous, excited, apprehensive...... ready.  

I have times I can easily look back on and remember so vividly--- it's like I'm reliving them again at that moment.  Not always....But I do, and, I'm sure most of you can relate.  Sentences in the paragraph of what ever chapter in your life you sit-- bubble to the surface easier because of the way they have been  written.  Other times--- events, days, weeks, are lost. Used transitions spread to thin from one thought to the next. This week is not like that. 

This week I'll remember.

I'm proud to write about my new Sponsor and family RYU. As I pushed myself today on the treadmill I kept thinking....."OK. I work as if you are watching". This is a good thing. 

When Ian, my son, tells me about something that he did or did not do because-- "I heard your voice in my head Dad, I knew you would say this"- it makes me feel warm. "Some of it is sticking", I think to myself. Now when I weaken in training, falter with fatigue, quiver and grip discomfort, hurt.... and I see RYU on my arm, leg, pocket, hat, reflection or feel my heart.
I. Don't. Stop. Ever. This is RYU.

Talking with Rocky Bice, RYU Brand Ambassador I thought I'd feel weird. RYU has some top notch athletes and I want to make them proud.   I knew this relationship would be a cord, strong and ready to hold when we started talking about our families like biggest loser contestants talk about favorite foods. With hunger and passion. I rested easy on the phone as he expressed his love for his family and the desire to see them after long hours on the road. I knew I found the support and “family” I need to keep pushing. 

More on RYU is coming. I promise. But for now---

Thank you RYU for this chance to dirty your armor, wear it in battle, and defeat my doubt in it.  I will use it, sweat in it, bleed in it, cry in it, fight in it. I’ll bring water to the thirsty in it. I’ll wrap my fear in it. I will win in it.

I am RYU

Tuesday, March 13, 2012



I battled for a while about entering the Kona Inspired Athlete initiative.  Part of me had to loosen the grip called "pride" I had on my self, the other part had to accept the fact that my heart is in the right place and I do have something to share.

The bottom line is this...How do I get water to people who need it? 
What avenues do I take to do it?
The answer is the same for both.....

Any. Way. Possible.  

Please log onto this site and vote for me if you would like.  You can even pass it on, too. 

We are in this together. 

Thank you-

Monday, March 12, 2012

Silent gratitude isn't much use to anyone. 

Another Build week in the books.  It was big-- It was productive. I am on course with times and effort.  More importantly...My effort and Heart rate seem to be responding accordingly. Yes...A  very broad re-cap, I know. If you have any specific questions, just e-mail me and I will be happy to share.

I've had a few questions about my newest sponsor.  I apologize for the delay, but now that I have committed-- I need to wait on things, but...This sponsor is AWESOME!!!  I am honored to be a part of what they are doing.

Amazing people.
Amazing product.
Amazing company.

My goal is to reflect what they value.

Been talking with Chris a bit and I can say without a doubt-it's a blessing to have More Than Sport a part of what I am doing too. Too be a part of what they are doing put's a lump in my throat. Chris is a S O L I D man, and I am encouraged by him. His desire to focus on the right things is an example for me to follow and I appreciate his heart, and willingness to serve. 
Take a look at this article and see what he has been doing....The article is from Ironman Live.

Working with Living Water International is Amazing.  This organization CHANGES LIVES.
The information on LWI's website is full of what they have done, and where they are going. Check em out and Check out the Core Values they hold- 

Our Core Values

Core Values – We at Living Water International will be intentional to:

Honor God

In all that we do
“Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?” And he said to him, ” ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.” This is the great and foremost commandment.” – Matthew 22:36-38

Develop People

Both spiritually and physically
“And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses, entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others.” – 2 Timothy 2:2

Pursue Excellence

Because God creates all things with excellence and therefore, we will do no less
“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” – Colossians 3:17

Be Good Stewards

All things are gifts from God, on loan to us to help those in need
“As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.” – 1 Peter 4:10

I can't say it enough...I'm so excited to be included, and am honored to be a part of bringing water to the thirsty.  

No I have not spaced the post on "Box of toothpick's"'s coming.  Along with a photo of my race wheel set up for this season. Vuelta is amazing. More on them to follow....

Everyday I am reminded that triathlon is a TEAM sport. From Rhonda, to my freaking awesome kids, to my sponsors, to you.  Thank you. 

Friday, March 2, 2012

"When I count my blessings I count you twice."

Things are going well here-

My build is on course, I have recently found out my Ironman Texas Home stay family is as excited to meet me as I them and, I woke again this morning with air in my lungs.  I could go on and on but to the point, the more I focus on good---the less I conjure up the bad.  My wife has told me so many times….

“Christian!! Do you remember how confident you were when you finished strong at the Epic 5? You can’t forget that babe…..Don’t dwell on it-but remember”.

I have a great memory, but struggle to grasp that feeling when I know what lies ahead. 

Coaching myself this season thus far has been solid.  I’ve stripped some of my gear/tech toys down to the bare essentials (data/info). I’ve tweaked, re-tweaked diet, and I've been judge, jury, and accused in dealing with all aspects of how I feel, what I’ve done and where I am going.  Bottom line---I need to have faith in my movement forward and not think sideways.  

 Interesting thing about a plan..... some of the results, good or bad is “Distant cumulative”.

 It takes a bit sometimes to either break down the wall, or smash your chin square into it.  Not to get hung up with my own words here—but… workouts this week indicate I'm chipping away in the right places.  My sessions show progress and it’s encouraging.  Yes, yes....I’m still that bowling ball rolling down the alley-- inflated bags in each gutter, a zig and zag. I lose steam sometimes... Eh,  I’ll hit a pin or two at its completion no matter what….right??

Point is----keep bouncing and go for strikes. 
Every time. 

Discouragement is easy to overcome when I swim. I just think about the pool I’m in...
"This holds more water than most villages will see in a life time"...
When I’m in pain on the bike???  I think about men struggling through addiction and hide web history from their wives and daughters.
Hard runs?  Easy.......I think of each of my followers  and remember that you’re with me and I’m grateful for your encouragement and support.
That’s all for now. 
I Had a few free moments…. Big blog soon.