Monday, March 26, 2012

Thank you to all who have viewed and voted for me in my hopes of becoming one of the eight chosen Kona Inspired athletes.  I am excited at the possibility of racing at the Iron man World Championships.  Not only has it been a dream, but the bigger, and more focused reason, is to help shed light on the work that Living Water International is doing around the world.  I'm so amazed that I can be a part of it. If you need to learn more click on the link's below-

Living Water International-

Here is the Link to my short video if you would like to share or vote.

I'm sure you can tell by my "tweets" and postings that I am excited about my new opportunity to work with RYU. This is a HUGE honor for me and as this relationship grows, I'll pass on to you what direction we are going. RYU knows what they are doing.  My intent is to be a functioning piece in this machine working hard to reflect who and what they stand for. The main topic for this post I want to relay--I have some really cool people supporting me, and I want to say thank you.  Yes, yes the products are awesome. But the people behind the concepts are what stand out for me.
Wearing my new RYU top during my runs has become  the norm.

Vuelta Wheels-I can say without a doubt Ron and his team have been nothing but amazing.  I received my wheels last week and if you are looking for solid tools to be on while you race or train-please, do yourself a favor and check them out.  During the Epic 5 last year the 50's were FLAWLESS.

Race wheels for this season.

Living Fuel-K.C. Craichy-I love you. I don't know what else to say-Living Fuel rules. 

AthletesLounge-Chris, Gary, and yes...even Scott, who I know I drive absolutely nuts with questions-Have been patient and kind to me.  Chris and Gary not only encourage me to continue to push-I know they are honest.  I need people in my life that will be honest with me no matter what.  The older I get the more I long for truth over comfort. This is them-This is the Athletes Lounge. Plus they have a KILLER store. I love you guys. "cookie cutter" as that may appear, I assure you it is not. I know in my heart those people know I am sincere in my gratitude-that makes it easy to talk about them.

Talking about me on the other hand is awkward.  No, I don't say that with a false sense of humility either.  I am grateful for the gift's I have been blessed with-Attitude, Drive,    Fuel...whatever...I know what I have as an athlete.  I also know what I lack.  I've had a few inquiries as to "What" I am actually doing for training right now.  I'm hesitant to talk about this-again, not because of some big secret. At the same time, I have blogs I lean on and love reading--- what athletes are doing, gear they have, nutritional approaches.  Plus-I really don't want to turn this into an online diary of thoughts and quotes with no substance.
 So-I want to share a few highlights from my big volume week and if it sparks a few questions---fire away.  Again-this is no recipe.  Its training. It's the same thing...over, and over, and over, and over...I like what Bruce Lee said--

I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times....

I carved out 7 days for a "V-Block"/volume block.  I recently listened to a great podcast interview with one of my favorite athletes Gordo who talks about camps and training.  This would be a much better resource for you to use if you are seriously considering doing your own block.  Anyway-I had open time and wanted to get some volume on the body.   I'm not at the most opportune time for this in relation to my first race/Iron man this season-but, I had the time and thought Volume over Intensity right now would benefit me. Have a "rest and test" week and then build/peak into IM Texas. I'll be set... 

 here are a few highlights-

*22,000 meters of swimming.  Mostly focusing on form and economy. Did some race pace stuff, but overall wanted to see how I respond to big swims in the AM followed by afternoon sessions that were a little taxing. Did a 6k, few 5k's and mixed it up w/ the rest.  Played it smart and consistent. It's important to take note of the "retrograde" fatigue associated w/ swimming.  Pay attention on the days you do big swims--- when do you "feel it".  Is it right away? A few hours into the day?  I find the fitter I get-- the later in the day I feel the results of the swim sessions.  This effort related response could help you understand things hours into a race and adjust accordingly. 

*13+ Hrs. of biking.  Not a lot in the grand scheme-but had a good amount of indoor focused trainer rides.  Weather was not cooperating.  I was able to get a 5+ outdoor ride in too.

*8 Hrs. of running. Started and ended the 7 days w/ a 2+ hr. run. Most runs were slow and easy-only one I applied real effort was the last workout of the week. 17 mile race pace run. Felt solid and encouraging, had good results and data.

Total hours=27+

Those are some of the details of my volume week.  Key points--
*85% done Z1/2. I was concerned about going "backwards" at first.  But some respond to Volume, some Intensity.  Both are needed at the right times throughout a year-but, this week along with my Death Valley Camp was a good mix of both.

*Keep in mind the “stress" build of life.  We talked about this as a family before I started.  I had a block off work-My family had school=minimal impact was made.  By the time Rhonda and the kids walked through the door-Dinner was waiting for them, I was done with my day. WE all made a few sacrifices--but, I had support and encouragement. Plus-I made sure it was worth it for them.  If this is a plan you decide to implement-even if it’s a 3, or 4 day "V-Block" stick to it. Get UP early.

If you are interested in setting up a session or two like this.  Get in touch with me-we can talk/skype...whatever and figure it out.

Most people can handle an increase in what they are currently doing if base is set and recovery is followed.

I could lament on and on here..but you get the idea.  Be smart...and check out that podcast I listed above.

I hope that answered a few questions.  I had one other dealing with the equipment I’m using.  I’ll get to that –I promise. 

I'll end with my recovery day...

My son Ian and I at our first NBA game.  He said it was the best day of his life.  Not the game...having nine hours of me all to himself.

 Rhonda, Evelyn, and are my greatest sponsors.  Without you...I am nothing.  I thank Jesus for you every second of my  life.  


  1. Christian, Thanks for posting this. It is awesome to see that your focus on ironman training isn't taking your focus from your family or God. I look forward to reading more of your stuff as I get back on track with my own run training.

    1. Cool Mark-Let me know what I can do and if you need any ideas.
