Friday, March 2, 2012

"When I count my blessings I count you twice."

Things are going well here-

My build is on course, I have recently found out my Ironman Texas Home stay family is as excited to meet me as I them and, I woke again this morning with air in my lungs.  I could go on and on but to the point, the more I focus on good---the less I conjure up the bad.  My wife has told me so many times….

“Christian!! Do you remember how confident you were when you finished strong at the Epic 5? You can’t forget that babe…..Don’t dwell on it-but remember”.

I have a great memory, but struggle to grasp that feeling when I know what lies ahead. 

Coaching myself this season thus far has been solid.  I’ve stripped some of my gear/tech toys down to the bare essentials (data/info). I’ve tweaked, re-tweaked diet, and I've been judge, jury, and accused in dealing with all aspects of how I feel, what I’ve done and where I am going.  Bottom line---I need to have faith in my movement forward and not think sideways.  

 Interesting thing about a plan..... some of the results, good or bad is “Distant cumulative”.

 It takes a bit sometimes to either break down the wall, or smash your chin square into it.  Not to get hung up with my own words here—but… workouts this week indicate I'm chipping away in the right places.  My sessions show progress and it’s encouraging.  Yes, yes....I’m still that bowling ball rolling down the alley-- inflated bags in each gutter, a zig and zag. I lose steam sometimes... Eh,  I’ll hit a pin or two at its completion no matter what….right??

Point is----keep bouncing and go for strikes. 
Every time. 

Discouragement is easy to overcome when I swim. I just think about the pool I’m in...
"This holds more water than most villages will see in a life time"...
When I’m in pain on the bike???  I think about men struggling through addiction and hide web history from their wives and daughters.
Hard runs?  Easy.......I think of each of my followers  and remember that you’re with me and I’m grateful for your encouragement and support.
That’s all for now. 
I Had a few free moments…. Big blog soon.

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