Friday, February 24, 2012

During my run session today I thought of how careful I need to be on this blog...It could go south if I don't keep reminding myself of a few certainties....

It was not long ago I thought of blogs as I think of the Ellen DeGeneres show, The Biggest Loser...and elephant ears at carnivals. All seem relevant and meaningful-but at the core are empty calories, too many calories...and...filler. Not good filler either-like sweet potatoes and white rice after long workouts. Filler like "Krispy Kreme" filler that taste good at second 1..and by second 42 your entering into the gates of a hyperglycemic coma and needing 4 gallons of milk to wash it down. All that to say..I'm aware that blogs can be bathroom stalls filtered through "spell check"-so I'll quit blabbing and get to the point.

This week has been solid.  I've been leery of relaying the "how much" I do.  Every so often I'll get asked....."How many hours you putting in?" As Craig Alexander stated in an interview before he dismantled Kona last year.."No secrets-I run, bike and swim. a lot".  I love that.  I could go off here on a tangent about Cross-fit, P90X, Insanity, Zoomanity, Zumba, Hot yoga, Cold yoga.... whatever. No-I'm not specifically bagging on each, though....for athletes that have a tight schedule, my self included here-- I would hope if you have time to train- it's in one of the "big three". Choose wisely and if it's "core" you are looking for-you can get it without the AB 900XTr.  So-as a point of reference.....Yesterday I had a solid 5k swim, followed by a two hour indoor trainer ride (30 minutes of solid interval work).  I woke today and ran for two hours, hit the pool for a 3k swim and followed it with a 1+ hour indoor easy spin (3+ 4+ hrs) and , I feel good.
I write that to show where I am at leading into my initial build.  I won't get too specific about other days/hours, because this is not a "diary" of what I am doing for you to read, as much as I hope it to be encouragement.

 Sharing about the great sponsors I have and the reasons I feel led to run will be a major theme.  Speaking of that...My new sponsor is close to locked in (hint on Facebook), I'm excited. Can't wait to tell more.  Obviously I feel desire to share who is helping me, not just because of their help- but, each sponsor is quite a bit more than "just a sponsor".  I have relationships with them all and I feel humbled to be on their team.  It's an honor to do my best to represent them. I am blessed and I never want them to feel like  I won't do my best to make them proud.

I spoke with Chris and More than Sport again this week and we are excited to be working on some cool stuff.  If you have not had a chance to see what MTS accomplished in Panama-check this link out...

I also talked with Living Water International again a bit this week and I don't even know where to start....Amazing people, doing amazing work, making a REAL difference.  I'm reminded of how good I have it in life with a toilet, a sink, and ice cubes.

 The "Lab" set up.  It's serious when I enter. I know overdoing it here can be horrible, but as a tool-it's awesome. 

This week I watched "From the Sky Down"-- the new movie/Documentary about U2 and the recording of "Achtung Baby"-(side note here-I am a U2 fan to the tilt)-without boring you, it's major theme of rebirth   resonated deep.  I'm sure my emotional connection was in part due to the pain I was feeling during intervals-but, I love the ease of working on the trainer and watching a good movie. I say this only because seems like the trainer has not gotten a fair shake.  Recently there have been a few articles in some mag's dealing with the benefits of solid trainer work-again, for the time crunched athlete-it works.  ***If you need help or suggestions on w/o's-drop me a line.

I received a few questions this week about swim technique, and nutrition.  I'm making a list of topics and discussions to enter on this blog-one big one for me is diet/nutrition. I'll share throughout, but I'm no expert here. I've done and continue to study nutrition, and diet, especially as it relates to endurance. I just want to be clear that I'll never list any "bunk" here-- if I don't know I'll find someone who does, a book that explains it, or direct you to someone who can help. I'm happy to share what has and has not worked for me. Specific answers that I have been asked I will address to the individual-or, make general replies here.

I just want to help.

One final point pertaining to help.....for anyone needing encouragement or something to pass the time during a session check out this awesome podcast......

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