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Kellar Creative designed a cool logo for me. Thanks Aaron. |
It didn't sting as much as it has in the past though, watching it and not being there. I think in part because I'll be headed to Cozumel next month and toe the line for my slot in 2013--training for that is going well. Today is a needed recovery day.
Working with Chris Boudreaux again during this block/build has been awesome. Not only because he's my friend, but he's comfortable to talk to and work with. And most importantly, he's honest no matter what. As advice to anyone looking for a coach, this is KEY. I would be more than happy to talk in depth about this in a future post, but for now just know this -- if you can't sit and have coffee with the coach you choose, think twice. If you can't take brutal, but loving honesty, then grow thicker skin or move on. That's not saying you have to take walks in the park together every week holding hands, or-online coaching is bad. I think comfort factor is very important, at least to a point. I need someone to say, "I care about you, but you're doing this wrong. Let's try this."
Too much comfort retards growth.
***Check this out-it's another Endurance Corner article, and it says it better than I can.
Back to what's up here-
That hurt. |
Thanks Oliver and team-for everything. I think of you everyday.
Chris and More Than Sport were busy during the World Championships and it was encouraging to see Craig Alexander, Tim O'Donnell, Lindsey Corbin and others representing More Than Sport. I'm so excited to be involved and share Chris's vision. A movement affecting peoples lives for the better.
Strong work Chris-keep it up man.
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Chris in the parade Race week at the Ironman World Championship |
I had mentioned that yesterday's run hurt. During the parts that were particularly uncomfortable I started to think about "stuff".
Mentally, it helps (sometimes) to wander, and the more pain the harder it is to get my mind somewhere else. I've been helping coach my children's Cross Country team and talking to the athletes I tell them once you can't push it off-accept it. Know it's there and welcome it. It's hard. It's very hard the deeper you get lost in misery. I know all too well how I've tried to keep the door blocked while the haunting blob of discomfort oozes through and crawls up my into body. I know it's coming and still I pretend it's not. Too many times I'll let it just sink in and I..."just take it".
Yesterday though, I did not allow this to happen. It's deception. It really is....It "tricks" me often into thinking I'm defined by what my body feels at that moment..and, I am not. For those who have been at this point you can understand how falling into any thought other than the comfort of quitting is paramount. What's your fall back? Where do you hide? Family? past? failure? For me it's shifts. But yesterday thought's gravitated to Satan. Satan's number one tactic is deception. The accuser. Guilt motivating, not grace motivating. Right?
I don't say this because I think "The Devil" want's me to fail. Well...actually he does, but that's another future post.
C.S. Lewis wrote “There are two equal and opposite errors into which our race can fall about the devils. One is disbelieve in their existence. The other is to believe, and to feel an excessive and unhealthy interest in them. They themselves are equally pleased by both errors, and hail a materialist or magician with the same delight” (C.S. Lewis. The Screwtape Letter. 1941, p. 3). This is certainly true about Satan. Some people totally dismiss him as an impersonal force or somebody in a red suit with a pitchfork. On the other end of the spectrum, many people attribute too much power and importance to Lucifer. They feel that he is God’s equal.
Why my thoughts were going here you ask?? Chip Ingram has a series Rhonda has been going through (even as I write I'm watching) called "The Invisible War-What every believer needs to know about Satan, demons, and spiritual warfare" .....boo.....
No, I don't suggest that plates are going to start flying in the kitchen. What it does mean though and a major point is how I can be a "religious guy", and what deception does to my motivation. How easy is it for me to forget that God loves me. He just LOVES ME so much. This is key in this series. Despite my awareness of this when weakness hits- my thought patterns go something like this.
1. Wow-this hurts
2. Ok-now it's just uncomfortable
3. Can I hold this?
4. I have to hold this to grow stronger
5. I can't
6. I'm a failure
7. No I am not
8. The pain feels warm
9. I like this
10. Man...that hurt
Number six.
When I get here, for some reason, "Failure" creeps in. The point where helpless and hopeless intersect. This is when I'm vulnerable. This...THIS is the time I have to LEAN on him. Christ. In work, play, training, life, family, friendship, whatever...this is bigger than just getting my "times down" or a "negative split". I chuckled to myself about that term yesterday too..."Negative split"...that definition to me means the time I decide to allow my performance to split with my capabilities. When I succumb to the discomfort.
When I believe the lie.
Lieto and I talked about this a bit. He's told me when that time's upon you, it's too easy to believe "a lie" because of our apparent felt weakness-because it hurts so much. If unprepared, weakness when a difficult situation is upon me feels normal. In pain I think about "Life", especially when it hurts in training. How can I be a stronger athlete, better husband, more loving father? Honestly-side note-I'm working on keeping all this in check on race day in Cozumel too-I'm wired to be emotional, sometimes to a fault. Ask Rhonda-I tear up every time that Maxwell House commercial is on TV during Christmas--The one where the son comes home from college and he's brewing coffee. (more on that in next post)
Fundamentally I need to remember that fighting through the pain is a must in an event-but, I who claim freedom in Jesus have to get to number seven where it really matters. I can't believe how often I feel number six, and you know what? When I view the situation- I see a reflection of the time leading up to it. In a race if I've trained and dialed, the resources are there...just need to tap into them. If I'm alone at home (like now), time in prayer, reading, devotion, accountability with my family---things I tap into keep me from things that can tap into me. Thoughts, shows, commercials, attitudes, motives....whatever. Make sense?
All that to say..when I hurt it's easy for me to wander off in thought. Usually that means "Life"stuff.
Where do you go?
My plan for the next few weeks? Prep for Cozumel. I'll also be working on the Taxi Initiative and getting information out to you. Let me know if you have any questions about that. Also I'll include information about More Than Sport and Haiti.
Thanks for reading-and as always, I am grateful for the support.
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