― Henry Ford
I'm in "focus mode"and looking towards Cozumel. Patience is still key here even after the weeks post Louisville, but, as of now I'm training. It's nice to know I have one race left this season and can defer the "reflection" until December-no matter, reflection is for those that finish, I've got a long, long....long way to go.

I posted a few "tweets" over the past week or so about a few changes coming. I am really stoked to say that my teaming up with Chris Lieto and More Than Sport is a full go. Over the next few days I'll be updating and reworking my social media sites to reflect that, and some other changes will happen also. (I have to wait to release some new AWESOME details until they are finalized--Super exciting stuff.) I'm really looking forward to updating my website and improving it a bit. My Face book (Luke 920) and blog will also have a few changes-I'll let you know.
Some may have also noticed my new project-"The Taxi Initiative". I'm so freaking stoked about this man...Again, I'll have space on the More Than Sport site discussing the Taxi Initiative and informing others of what we are doing. This will allow those that are interested to help to do so very easily, or, find out more information about it. It'll make sense when it's set-Again...I'll send out the information.
As for the details about Taxi Initiative-the idea is built around a discussion Chris and I had a few months ago. My passion and desire to help in Haiti has grown stronger since I returned from my second trip. To see the need and result of how far a dollar can go first hand is mind numbing. Mountain Top Ministries in Gramothe/ Port Au Prince-is where I spend my time when I travel there. IT IS AMAZING.
(I'll be headed back next year again--gimme a heads up if you are interested in going) Much more on this to follow. Please take a few minutes and check out what they are about...
I look forward to sharing more of their story and how you can help.
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