“any fool can be happy. It takes a man with real heart to make beauty out of the stuff that makes us weep.”
So much going on...Let's get to it.
Last Friday I was fortunate enough to be invited to share on the ABC affiliate here in Portland--channel 2 KATU. AM Northwest is a morning show after Good Morning America and I was excited to talk about new things happening, Ultraman Canada, and training. Below is a link to the interview if you would like to watch it.
My daughter snapped a few photos during the show.http://www.katu.com/amnw/segments/Endurance-Athlete--Ultra-Ironman-Competitor-Christian-Isakson-212504621.html |
A few Sundays ago after Church our family had to 'divide and conquer'. I was off to speak at a mens youth group at another church, my son was dropped off at martial arts/tricking class, and my wife & daughter were headed home for a few hours to chill out. Plans were to sync up again in a few and hit the movies. Days like this are special for us all here at team Isakson --the amount of training I'm doing now leading into Ultraman Canada is consuming-it's getting close.
What was going to be a good day.... turned out to be horrible.
Rhonda and Evelyn walked into our home and were not met with the usual tapping and prancing of our Boston Terrier's feet. Weird??? Evelyn giggled and noticed our dog was sleeping on the floor of the living room sprawled out--her hind legs visible from behind the couch. My wife noticed something different.
Leslie (yes, my son named the dog)...was dead.
Somehow Leslie managed to get into our recycling bin and wedge her head inside a yogurt container. Poor little dog died what she loved doing...eating. My daughter was hysterical. I mean it...she was devistated. I phoned home after speaking to the youth group and could hear screaming in the background.
"Leslie is dead!!!"
Rhonda told me what she had found, and indicated Leslie had been there a while. I hurried home knowing how sad it would be when I arrived.
I say this carefully, but..we are not 'pet' people. For many reasons we just haven't been big on having pets. I'll keep it at that. My son had begged for 2 years straight to get a dog and we refused. Many reasons really--our schedule, time, lifestyle. I also refused to have a dog and not take care of it--just really never appealed to us.
Eventually Rhonda and I caved & circumstances led us to finding a Boston/French Bulldog mix. She was the coolest little dog ever. I started to change and we all began to love that fat little, kind, lovable dog so very much. Four years we spent with her, and grew fond of horrible breath, horrible gas, and Leslie's kind eyes. She really was a part of us. I never ever thought I would say this--but when I walked into the house to find my daughter in tears holding her lifeless body--I hurt. I was very, very sad. I knew I would miss that dog.
What a fluke occurrence. The container was big enough to cover her face and get lodged on her head behind her ears where it was hard to get air. I could not believe it as I patted her belly and knew my son would be heart broken.
It really, really, really......really sucked.
Picking up Ian and telling him the news was horrible.
Burying her was horrible.
The rest of the week was horrible.
It was extremely tough to see Ian and Evelyn so very sad. Rhonda and I were hurting too. Questions that would seem easy to answer-were not. It's just a dog...right?? Nope.
I never thought I'd feel like this--all because of that little mass of fat. The week brought tons of sadness, discussion, tears, and reflection. I never, ever, thought we would have a dog. I never thought I would grow to love it. I never thought it would hurt to have to dig a hole and place her in it. I never thought I would struggle, despite my faith in God, to have an answer for my twelve year old son when he asked through his uncontrollable tears and inaudible words..."Why did this have to happen Dad?"
We prayed together a lot. Not because we couldn't handle Leslie dying, but more so how thankful we were to have had her in our life for a while and how fun she was to be with. We prayed how thankful we were to be with each other, and how it made it less heavy. Throughout the week during my training I kept reflecting on that sentence that was seared in my head..."Never thought I would".
I decided to make a list of ten things I "Never thought I would" and just see where it ended up. Wasn't tough, and it grew larger than ten quickly. Decided to narrow down the ones specifically relating to 'sport', but first share a few of the others, the ones that matter the most. Plus..kinda helped through the crappy feeling of Leslie being gone.