Despite my best intentions at keeping this blog fully engulfed in sport, it will never be that way. Swimming in experience with those I share life with--the ones I pass time with the most, and dread the feel of it fleeting, will always be here. I hope that's cool.
Laughing with my family actually slows time. Weird. Should be the other way around, but, it's not. Thinking about this blog for the past week I've again wrestled...."How can I not share this stuff? I've got to write about this new Citizens album!! My son got baptized!!!! Sweeettt!!!" Needless to say if you are at all familiar with my writing it's nothing unusual. Part ADD, part excitement and thought, and part just sharing how I feel. Here goes...
It's been a good few weeks since my last post. Busy. But really, really good. Training sucks us in, and before I know it 3 weeks have crept away. Tough training makes days crawl-but, weeks fly. As I opened in the beginning of this post, I want to share a little about time and the like later along w/ a few thoughts on nutrition, absorbing work, signs of response, swimming, and some other training crap.
But...first things first.
My son was baptized this past Sunday.
Like Evelyn, and Rhonda, it will go down as a moment I will never, ever forget. I'm proud of Ian. He get's it, and looking to God for direction and loving him with all his heart, is what he honestly desires. My 'Captain America'..awesome Ian. I can't wait to see how He uses you.
I want to be more like my son. |
Also-I bought an album last week and it freaking rules. Citizens. A worship band from Mars Hill/Seattle-this is really a solid group of songs-from a solid foundation. So stoked when I discover good music-and, from what's been on the radio, it's a rare gem. Great to run to. Little entertainment for you before I get to the nitty gritty-
So sweet.
Again, the whole album is really, really solid.
Other items-The Crowdrise page associated with More Than Sport and the Taxi Initiative is live. Please check it out and share with friends and family. My desire is to raise 10k for Mountain Top Ministries. 100% of what is donated.... will be given.
It'll pay for Food, Medicine, Tools, and even individuals, to travel into Haiti and help change lives of people in need. Not--"I need a new iphone case need either"..but, "I need to have these wounds cleaned or I could die need". I've included a photo from the last mission/team I was involved in again, I'll do this through out the year so you can see the faces and hear the stories. If any of you are interested in coming to Haiti let me know.
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After a long day at the clinic I stopped to say hello. Can't speak the language, but hugs and handshakes are easy. |
Also--Thank you Matt Borowski for teaming up, I love you man.
Training. It's a go here, and things are improving. Swims are getting longer, I am getting stronger, and it's still a game of patience.
With my training & response much of my mood is directly tied to food, (that's weird), more so, the recovery and fuel aspect before and after. As an example, while looking over/reading my weekly notes..... "Huh? mood sucks when I've not 're-fueled/recovered' as I should have?" Again..weird? How many times am I going to do this?
athletes-Watch this during big training blocks, It's easier than you think to get lazy or just ignore it. Bodies become extremely efficient at metabolizing and using fuel/recovery/fluid. When it's in short supply, so is patience & mood follows. Thankful I have become good at this--it allows absorbing workouts to be spot on. That 'fuzzy' feeling of fatigue and satisfaction has been the predominant post effect sensation after big days. This is good.
I also note things are going well when I wake in the morning for an early session/swim, and within 5 min's the fog is gone and I feel ready. The opposite--mornings when I have a harder time clearing the haze despite good rest = an early warning sign. I still get blind sometimes with data, HR, power, zones, cal's, grams..whatever...and ignore the very basics.
How am I sleeping, eating, laughing, resting, thinking..when I am not training. Seriously, these things for me are the lights on the dash. If you can carry a heavy load and function normally=good. Laughing with Ronda for instance is HUGE-and, she will notice when the lights dim. **I know other details need to be observed. I do-believe me, I'm a fanatic, just using some real basic & very vital indicators help. Seems like athletes always come back to this.
Another broad stroke is how long into a workout can I 'shake the fatigue'? These last few weeks between, BETWEEN workouts, I feel a little hammered. But as soon as the next session begins-I feel the 'shake off' and it's like I'm back to sponge mode absorbing the work. Good sign.** For more on this check out Rich Roll's podcast with his coach Chris Hauth. It really is amazing how such elite level athletes focus on basics. Makes me take a step back and review my approach. My coach Chris is amazing at feedback, direction, and honesty. He has helped whittle away things I get hung up on, even when I think I'm not.
1. Sleep
2. Eat well
3. Know if you are not doing #1 and #2
4. Track the things on your dash and pay attention.
Basic, Lame, Important. Despite me writing this, I know in the future I'll pretend everything is on, when it's not. Just be careful.
One more thing... I want to say thanks to Timex and especially Tristan Brown at Team Sports. The goodies and encouragement will go farther than you know.
Thanks Tristan, I mean it man.